Sri Paramahamsa
YOgAnanda, in his ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ glorifies in the very first
sentence, about the GURU-DISCIPLE relationship. He records thus:- ‘The characteristic
features of Indian culture have long been a search for the ultimate verities
and the concomitant disciple – Guru relationship.’
To get at the
frame of mind of Sri YogAnandaji, we have to try to understand the dimension of
the meaning of the wonderfully adorable relationship. Not only the relationship
is adorable, but the terms themselves have their individual deep and shining
dimensions. The topic that swAmiji is presenting is none other than our Indian
culture. None of us bharathians chose the country of our birth. It was the
creator who allots the country of one’s birth. We bhArathians must be proud of
our mother land. We must understand our culture, and it is the bounden duty of
each one, to be proud of their motherland and her culture. Even at the Global
level it is true. If only we rightly understand our culture, that itself is the
foundation to be proud and for it’s glorification. No doubt about it.
Now we will try
to understand the deeper dimensions of the 2 terms, guru and sishya or
We easily understand the pair of terms like father – son,
mother-child, etc. But guru, this word is loosely used in an equated manner
with the term teacher. Teacher is the torch bearer at the L.K.G. level as well as Ph.D.
level, no doubt about it. We will go into the.details of how guru VasishtA was
functioning as the Guru of the king DasarathA.
All matters of administration, and other functions of the king take
place as advised by Vasishta. VasishtA’s responsibility is to establish the
100% welfare of the king, administration, all the subjects, and must make
everything function totally adhering to the dharma or codes of righteousness.
There cannot be and there won’t be any complaint from any subject; even the
peoples’ thoughts and actions are reinforced by the fortress of dharma. Vasishta
will not hesitate to point out any transgression of dharma in the kingdom by
the king or subjects.
In our
ordinary life, the teachers’ responsibility starts and ends with teaching the
subject, help the student to go to the next higher level in education. But a
guru’s responsibility towards his disciples, spreads over cleanliness, food
requirements, health education, good manners, excellence in studies, living
dhArmic way of life and unfailingly workout the welfare of the soul of the
disciple/disciples. By welfare of the soul, it is meant up to the disciples’
inner choice to pursue the search for Brahman or enter ‘grahasthAshrama’-way of
life as prescribed by the codes of dharma. All these are the underlying
currents of protection of society, individual, country and people at large. So
much of responsibility is handled and
executed by the guru-disciple unit, which was the very pillar of the social
structure for unknown ages in the human evolution. Even right from ages along
the cycle of the wheel of ‘Time’, this pillar of guru-disciple contributed and
maintained human welfare.
Without having
an iota of understanding about reinforcement power of social welfare and even the
pivot of human life this worthy limb of Guru-disciple unit,if some play drama
or film or story book purely exploits for easy benefit of attraction, name and
fame byproducts, misuse those terms guru-sishya, will it not pain many, many
honest sincere souls for the scant respect being exhibited by pitiable social
limbs? More over it also trumpets the very poor understanding of the roots of
our cultural base, which is by itself
the very first crime. Next comes the crime of misuse of a highly laudable field-
specific, spiritual life-oriented terms, occurring in our age old epics,
purANas, Upanishads and spiritual literature. It is just a streamline of
thought to help all of us to educate ourselves as to how to give respect to the
spiritual lore which were followed with complete dedication by our own great grandparents,
till 8 generations before. Our own great grandparents will surely guide us and lead us towards the a golden period.
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