Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Ela ni daya RAdu?paraku jEsedavela? samayamu gadu....... - IV

RA Ra Devadi Deva! RaRaMahAnubAva! RARA Rajiva nEthra! Raghuvaraputra!
sAratarasudhApurahrudayaparivAra! Jaladhi gambira! thanuja sam
hAra! madanasukumAra! budajanavihAra! sakalasruthisAra! nAdupai.............(Ela)

Lord of the Devas! 
Come dear lad come! 
Please come, come lad with great rich experiences!
Welcome,oh the prince of outstandingly broad eyes competing with broad lotus petals!
oh the son of the best of the Raghuvamsam! One ever surrounded by associates with hearts sweeter than nectar! 
One noble and majestic like the ocean! Slayer of the evil forces like demons!
One possessed of body soft like the cupid!
One who spends time with scholar-lore! 
The churned out essence of the Vedas! 
Why your grace does not descend towards me ?.......................(Ela)

RAjAdirAja! MunipUjitapAda! RavirAjalochana! sharNya! athilAvaNya!
RAjadharanutha! VirAjathuraga! SurarAjavandhithapada! Aja janaka! dina-
RAjakOtisamathEja! DanujagajarAjanichayamrugarAja! Jalajamuka!..................(Ela)

Emperor! (King of kings!)one whose feet are worshipped by the spiritually great sages!
Unfailing protector of the righteous people! Lord with lustrous divine glory of the body!
One with feet worshiped by the moon-crested glorious Shiva! one with unique carrier in the Garuda!
One with feet constantly worshiped and adored by the very Lord of the devas!
Oh! The creator of the four-faced Brahma! Lord possessing the effulgence of crore suns!
Oh! The fearful lion, the destroyer of the  group of elephant-kings in the form of group of terrific demons!
Oh! The royal prince with face like the full-bLown lotus! ................     .................(Ela)

YAga rakshaNa! Parama BAgavathArchitha! YOgindra suhrudbAvitha! Adyantharahitha!
NAgashayana! varanAgavarada! PunnAgasumadara! sadAgamOchana! sa-
DAgathijadruthapada! AgamAnthachara! RAgarahitha! ThyAgarAjanutha!.............(Ela)

Protector of ViswAmithra's sacrifice! one adored and worshiped by the loving servants of God!
Oh! The deity constantly meditated upon by the good ,devoted and righteous hearts of rank-sages!
One eternal eternal creator who has transcended begining as well the end! 
One taking your bed on the great snake Adisesha! 
One deity who answered the call for protection from the crocodile of the best king of elephants! 
The Deity wearing with pleasure the flower called punnai! 
Ever vigilant in nullifying the sins of sincere devotees! 
Your sacred feet ever carried with respect and love by the son of 'the constantly mobile wind god! 
In your aspect of Brahman, the mover through the vedAntha which ever tries to Identify your mighty stature to some extent! 
The eternal god principle ever free from grief and happiness! 
Oh! One adored by me, Sri Thyagaraja!                                                 

The above cited elaborate beautiful welcome was given by Sri Swamigal, to his heart's Deity Sri Rama, who ever enjoyed his abode in in the heart of his unique Baktha. All krithis sung by our swamigal are all flowing from the bakthi-drenched soul of a sincere baktha. We can never say that Swamigal composed the krithis. Sri Rama's divine grace flowed out through the Baktha's Divinity-charged krithi's for the welfare of humanity at large.     

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