Thursday, October 15, 2015

Ganapati Muni

      Sri Ramana Maharshi is the well-known sage of Thiruvannamalai.  Ganapati Muni  was a scholar, devotee, and sishya of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. It was this Ganapati Muni who gave the name-Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. Ganapati Muni came to Thiruvannamalai and saw a yogi sitting in absolute silence on the Arunachala hill for quite a long time. He recognised  the Yogi as a great Rishi and named him Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. ''s the saying goes: an enlightened person only can recogniise another enlightened one."
     "An intense effort is called Tapas. A tapas performed for the fulfilment of a desire is not tapas.
Until we reach the ultimate knowledge of the Self we have to continue tapas and Ganapati Muni did just that."
    " In September 1903, during Navaratri festival, Ganapati Muni and his brother arrived at Arunachala. It was already dusk when they reached. It is the custom of southerners to visit the temple of that place as soon as they arrive even without washing themselves. Such a visit is called Dhuli Darshanam. They stayed at the temple till 8P.M. the town became silent. They begged at one or two Brahmin houses for food, but could not get any as it was Ekadasi day, when nobody would cook food. Ganapati and Sivarama were very much tired and hungry. They thought it better to settle down on the pial of a house and try to sleep. Accordingly they selected the pial of a house and settled themselves to sleep. Suddenly, a Brahmin with a shining face came running and said that he was performing Ekadasi and it cannot be fulfilled if he could not feed at least two Brahmins with good food immediately. He begged them to accept food at his house. It was 10P.M. and it looked ridiculous to talk of Dwadasi or Ekadasi at that time of the night. But as both the brothers were hungry, they accepted the invitation, had the feast and came back to the same pial and slept soundly till the morning.The Brahmin had given them betel in the end and they left the tops of the leaves on the pial while eating the nuts and leaves."
     "Early in the morning, Ganapati wokeup and wanted to wake up the brahmin host of the previous night and thank him before moving out. But when he looked at the house, to his surprise it was not a house, but temple of Vinayaka. Ganapati noticed the betel leaf remnants on the pial and so understood that as the brahmin or his wife were not to be seen anywhere and it was the outside of a temple it could be nothing other than a vision."
     "Ganapati awakened Sivarama and said, 'See, brother, how wonderful is God's grace! We did not even enquire the name of the brahmin who fed us last night. See there yonder the idol of Heramba. He is looking at us with a smiling face!"
     Mahatmyam nanu vaktum kassaktaha purushaste|
     Hastindranana bagyam sarvesham tava haste||
     'O'Lord Ganesha!Who can describe thy greatness! The prosperity of everybody rests in Thy hand.'
     "Ganapati and Sivarama saluted Ganesha. Ganesha looked as though he was blessing them."
     The event related above is taken from the biography of the great soul VAsishta Ganapati Muni who was an image of practical tapas which was practised only by Rishis in the past. It is for the benefit of the blog-viewers that I choose to present this event.
My best wishes for one and all. 

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