Most of us are capable of thinking about similes, at sometime or other. A situation does arise
when what we are at, a scene or a thing is unique in it’s own way and deserves
to be left by itself.
Yes the great, epic poet, Valmiki encountered that state when he was
describing RAma-RAvaNa yudhdham in RAmAyaNa. He presents:-
गगनं गगनाकारम् सागरम् सागरोपम:।
रामरावणयोर्युद्धम् रामरावणयोरिव ॥
“gaganam gaganAkAram
sAgaram sAgaropamaha|
Rama-RAvaNayoryudhdham Rama-RAvaNayOriva”||
Here Valmiki says, “ The ocean cannot be compared to anything else but
the ocean itself. The same way the vast space, AkAsham can be compared only to
Akasham. The battle fought, between Rama and RAvaNa stands unique and it can be
compared only with itself.
was a battle fought according to the codes prescribed for dharma yudhdham and
the ultimate goal of the battle was to uphold ‘DHARMA’ which alone can protect
an individual, society as a whole and as well as the creation itself.
‘DHARMO RAKSHATHI RAKSHITHA:’. If at all we fight, we need fight only to
protect the codes off righteousness, and this Protected DHARMA protects one
and all.
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