Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The life and contribution of the galaxy of the many great realised souls.

     Very happy to be able to share what I know and to add to what I know. First thanks for this opportunity.
     My greetings to the sharers and to those who may help to add. My first dedicated thought goes to the saint singers in  karnatic Music. The great Trinity and those greater souls whom they adored. Next my dedicated thoughts go to those great saintly souls of very long line whose spiritual powers protect the human race beyond the narrow minded seperatism of any tone, material or intellectual, racial or geographical, or what not. That class of noble souls uplifted humanity in all climes and in all times. But for them we will not be what we are now. Our effort to remember them will rejuvenate our own generation at present. This will also form the foundation for the future generation to develop the attitude and effort to draw the benefits from that perennial source of the galaxy of the great, realised souls, saints and saint singers
     As I understand the view of the present generation who may not view in the same way as I do , I assure you that you can safely go through my point of view and you will not reap any adverse effects by just going through this (my) point of view.
     The words, the thoughts of many great souls were being quoted by many generations in the past, and will be quoted by many generations to come in the future. Let us think now, how and why the words of those great souls meaningfully live ? What is the power behind their words, How much is that power? One student of a great Teacher did try ( I avoided saying Guru and disciple, since I know some may develop an alergy if I use those words! No harm meant.) to conduct experiment to measure the strength of his teacher. He travelled by bus, away from the Guru, sorry the teacher. He presents the result that within 5 kms radius he could visualize the form of the teacher very easily; that beyond 5kms, he could visualize the teacher's form with difficulty. This is not a fantasy but reality. One should develop a confidence, first not to avoid if something is presented, as good and beneficial.Like what confidence one seems to have in one's own parents. At any point, any great soul
when he or she presents his or her experience,  for others to share, voluntarily at their level of maturity, guidance absorbed. One must understand that they are not sharing their experience with any profit motive or driven by ego.  It is purely in the spirit of our thamiz saying "NAn petra pERu           ivvayyagam peRuga". Telling it in English " My fortune gave me this realisation/experience and I want every one in this world must enjoy acquiring the same fortune." It is in that noble spirit, I am trying to post these blogs hoping these may offer some guidance or some information to some few souls who happen to be pleased to go through these efforts, presentations.
     I do welcome any mistakes pointed out and as well any other expression of views. But being the successors, of a very great treasures of spiritual knowledge and divine arts, it is our primary duty to understand our fortune and live up to the expectations of the vedic and upanishadic injunctions. Vasishta and the lore of great sages, guided generations of righteous kings, who governed the land and people awarding peace and prosperity.Then followed the saints and saint singers. In our linguistic regions people were comfortably following Bakthi margam. In the last 500 years there were invasions, but still peoples' faith in bakthi always guided them and never failed to protect
the mass. It all amounts to reinforce bakthi and our own goodness as the insulating armour of protection  for  individuals, society, nation as well the whole world. The spirit of our sages' prayer "sarvesham swasthir bavathu..."-May the whole world flourish with prosperity and peace" should be our flag of faith.
     Starting right from Narada, VyAsa, Vsishta, viswamitrA, the lore of sages who form  the active
participants in the Vedas, PurANas, Ithihasas, Upanishads, were all great researchers in the field of the higher science of Spirituality, and who bequeathed the treasures revealed,with universal love for the welfare of the human race. No living being can claim that the truth revealed belongs to himself, his nation, etc. Every bit of matter, all truths revealed belong to the whole world.
     'VivEkananda, was the disciple of the saint Ramakrishna.The latter, was actually crying and praying to CalkattA KALI-his heart's deity, thirsting for his disciple Vivekaananda. Such was the bond between the guru and his discipLe. Vivekananda spread the message of SriRamakrishna. The guru and the disciple held mother India and her children, the people of India, very next to their heart.
VivEkAnanda passed away 16 years after the death of his master. At this context, I find these lines:-
'But the flame of that pyre is still alight today. From his ashes like the phoenix of old, has sprung anew the conscience of India-the magic bird-faith in her unity and in the Great Message brooded over from Vedic times by the dreaming spirit of his ancient race-the message for which it must render account to the rest of mankind.'
     India was spiritually well advanced from the time of the Vedas and was eagerly ready to disseminate it's treasure of messages to the eager aspirant who thirsts for godrealisation or salvation.
The only criterion required was sincerity in spiritualenquiry, giving up desire, anger, ego,and having universal love(love for the entire creation,); last but not least, love for the Supreme Being. It is the will of the Supreme Being that India should disseminate the revelations to the great souls, those great messages to the entire humanity; no reservation whatsoever under any silly flag of colour, creed, race, nationality and religion. The entire humanity are children of that One Supreme Being, the creator.Our ancient sages deserved those great messages by working out their purity of mind, Love for God and love for fellow beings.
     We have to learn to understand , first of all what is good, to be sought after. There lies the greatest
secret. Our great sages, Seers have thought about the whole of the humanity, and have drawn the list of aspirations, one must seek. The scale of selection is that the good one seeks must have eternal value.
On the line of that scale, they have given ways and means, targets/goals and disciplines in the physical, mental, emotional planes to be dedicatedly followed. IF WITH FULL FAITH, one implicitly obeys their injunctions, they are led to unique success.

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